Legacy of Hope® DVD

For adults who care about Kids

Spot-on edu-tainment and conversation starter for adults AND teens to watch together.

Filmed in front of an audience of 1,500 adults who care and work with teens plus 100 teenagers, this is our newest and most comprehensive version of LEGACY OF HOPE®. This is the perfect DVD for teacher and counselor in-service or staff development events. An inspirational program for parents or a PTO/PTA event. Exceptional for law enforcement officers working with families and teens.

LEGACY OF HOPE® is a life-changing experience for many teens (and adults). Using dance, drama and powerful personal stories, this HEALTHY CHOICE message is entertaining, funny, poignant, startlingly REAL and LONG remembered.

Unparalleled insights are made clear to teens and parents about emotions and their influence on teen choices. The program creates invaluable connection between teens and parents when watched together.

Many teens and adults feel that Susie has understood them and described how they really feel for the very first time. Now they feel safe to open up on the toughest topics and to ask for help.