EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools Workshop

Register for October 18 Here
Pricing: $219.00
Early Bird: $189.00 (Before 9/18/2024)

What attendees say about this workshop:
This training was incredible on a personal level to help me as a therapist to better take care of myself and work in the healing of others.
Ken and Susie are force for good in the world…They have positive energy and a clear belief that people can change, overcome,
and become the best version of themselves.

Outstanding training, super knowledgeable and invested presenters, engaging, well organized and presented,
experiential, lot of practical information to use with clients and self. Love the day! 

This training was well organized and went above my expectations. Obvious they have a passion for what they do.
I really loved the practical skills and techniques. This training will definitely increase my ability to incorporate more skills with my clients and myself.  

EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools Workshop

We all deal with trauma daily. To be effective as therapists and help our clients, we need effective Resourcing Tools to aid in the therapeutic process. Resourcing Tools aid clients in maintaining a sense of safety and well-being in therapy as well as living in today’s world. We may be the first example to many of our clients to demonstrate positive coping strategies for life. Today’s world is more chaotic than ever, and it is critical that we know healthy coping strategies to share with clients that do not have these skills and/or are trapped in a negative cycle of stressors and beliefs. This workshop is meant to be experiential as well as informative. Our goal is to share a variety of Resourcing Tools that everyone needs in times of instability and change. These Resourcing Tools can help everyone we deal with; they need a set of reliable tools and techniques that enhance treatment and one’s sense of well-being and safety.

We as therapist’s need to know and demonstrate effective coping tools to enable clients to trust in us, to learn those resources, and be able to apply them for themselves.

Target Audience: EMDR Practitioners: Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Counselors and Chemical Dependency Counselors

Course Content Level: Intermediate

Workshop Description:

EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools
Client Stabilization and Preparation for Trauma Reprocessing

Dr. Ken Vanderlip and Susie Vanderlip CSP, CPAE will share and discuss critical components of traumatized client presentations, resourcing, mindfulness, and The Way of a Compassionate Warrior. They will reinforce how critical the work of therapists and other healthcare providers is in response to trauma, fear and anxiety, excessive stressors, unprecedented challenges, impact from the pandemic, and global chaos.  Simply by being in the psycho-therapeutic profession, therapists are already on a path to being a compassionate warrior. Dealing with stress and trauma puts the therapist on that path. 

This workshop provides examples of Resourcing Tools to aid practitioners in learning effective ways to assist therapeutic healing.  The workshop will provide experiential moments with specific resourcing tools and validate the importance of applying them with our clients/patients.

All the tools presented are effective as EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools. In the workshop, tools are shared to use in preparation and skill building, necessary to help the client connect with functional information and integrate helpful, positive experiences. These tools are often key to the internal stabilization that many clients need to do the deeper clearing processing that EMDR provides. These tools help build and fortify the functional memory network that will be needed in EMDR Phases 4 through 6.

The Workshop explores and practices techniques to improve the client’s resiliency, enhance their capacity to maintain a clear mind, and attain a relaxed and safe state. These skills enable the therapist to keep the client more readily within the “window of tolerance” for processing of the client’s stressors, trauma, and underlying causes. All the resourcing tools presented serve to bring calm and steadiness amid the client’s chaos, so the client can do their work to heal – find their own calm, steadiness, resilience, and positive belief in self. Additionally, we will explore how therapists can remain compassionate, mindful/present, and fearless as he/she works with clients and resourcing the client as needed.

Along with learning and experiencing these EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools, therapists will be given the definition and exposure to the concept of being a Compassionate Warrior – becoming fearless as a therapist.  This will also be explored with both lecture and experiential components to enhance that capacity within us all for treating trauma.

EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools can help increase both the effectiveness of treatment with our clients and the longevity of their resilience in life beyond treatment.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • List resourcing tools that increase their effectiveness as a psychotherapist and can enhance your client’s response to traumatic processing and enhance life skills.
  • Build resources and resilience for patients through the body, mind, emotions, and spirit engagement.
  • Experience video vignettes which illustrate, using the emotional mediums of dance and drama, concrete examples of patients that clinicians are likely to encounter. Then process the characters portrayed and identify the ACEs being displayed and tools presented to assist in intervening in their underlying trauma.
  • Identify common stressors and signs of excess stress.
  • Specify 3 or more potential uses of Phase 2 strategies with clients.
  • Describe key elements of Mindfulness.
  • Identify preferred EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools for aiding our clients:
    • Body
    • Mind
    • Spirit
  • Describe ‘Emotional Self-Defense’ and how to use this concept for working with your clients and giving them another tool for coping in difficult situations.
  • Describe key elements of being a ‘Compassionate Warrior’ and Fearless as a Therapist.


 The Vanderlips have been presenting stress management, mindfulness and meditation, and peak performance workshops for over 25 years for youth and adults including professionals in mental health, law enforcement, education, social welfare, foster care, indigenous peoples and more. They have been married since 1984 and have been continuously enthusiastic about working together in teaching, facilitating, and uplifting others in their personal paths to develop healthy coping skills, awareness, and personal growth, and, particularly, supporting practitioners in helping others.

Ken Vanderlip, Ph.D.
has been an EMDR Institute Facilitator since 1993, is a Charter Member of EMDRIA, an EMDRIA Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Approved Consultant. He has specialized in trauma, stress related issues, mindfulness and meditation, and peak performance for over 30 years. He is also a 6th Degree Black Belt in Judo with over 50 years’ experience and thoughtfully integrates martial arts perspectives into his approaches. As a result, Dr. Vanderlip brings approaches well-rooted in a depth of professional and personal experience.
Susie Vanderlip, CSP, CPAE
has 30 years’ experience as a professional speaker, author, and coach addressing social and emotional issues of youth and families including alcohol and drug abuse, self-harm, suicide and many other youth and family issues. She has presented school assemblies and keynoted youth and adult conferences (including mental health professionals) with her original one-woman theatrical prevention presentation Legacy of Hope across the US and Canada reaching over one million youth and adults and coaching over 25,000 individuals. She brings a depth of expertise in self-awareness, trauma, stress, and prevention.

Together, the Vanderlips guide Workshop participants in how to apply self-regulation and resourcing concepts and tools with our clients and for ourselves in helping others.

October 18, 2024
8:30am to 4:30pm PT
Register for October 18 Here
Pricing: $219.00
Early Bird: $189.00 (Before 9/18/2024)

This workshop is Approved
 for 6 EMDRIA Credits
 See EMDRIA Listing at:




Content & Timeline:

8:30am – 9:00am         Registration

9:00am – 10:30am        Video Vignettes (Legacy of Hope) with Q&A.

10:30am – 10:45am      Break

10:45am – 12:00pm     EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools
Tools for Building Mindfulness and Compassion through The Body
      Tools for Building Mindfulness and Compassion through The Mind. – Get into here and now using Mantras of Well-Being and Empowerment

12:00pm – 1:00pm      Lunch Break

1:00pm -2:30pm (1 hour 30 mins.)  

Tools for Building Mindfulness and Compassion through The MindcontinuedMindfulness by Reframing, Perceptions, Acceptance

2:30pm -2:45pm Break

2:45pm – 4:30pm (1 hour 45 mins.)

  1. Tools for Building Mindfulness and Compassion through Emotions and Spirit:
  2. Evaluation of Tools Learned and Goal Setting for Implementation in personal life and professional practice as resource tools.

(Total presentation time: 6 hours)

Webinar Timing:

Note: we request attendees to join Zoom between 8:00am & 8:15am PT (Pacific Time) for registration check in and assure good technical connectivity. Times for both dates:
8:30am to 4:30pm US PT
9:30am to 5:30pm US MT
10:30am to 6:30pm US CT
11:30am to 7:30pm US ET

 Workshop Cancellation Policy:

If you register then need to cancel, contact us at Legacy (714-997-2158 or 800-707-1977)

to let us know. We will issue you a full refund minus a US$25 processing fee until 10/1/2023. Note: no refunds for cancellations after 10/1/2023.

Disclosures about Workshop:
Attendance Information:

The program site is virtual (Zoom). This meeting will be delivered online via Zoom from California, USA. Because this is a Live Interactive Online Webinar, participants are required to keep their camera on and be present online throughout the program.

A few days before the webinar, we will email attendees information about how to access the handout and join the meeting. Following this virtual workshop, you will be given a link to complete the evaluation, once done you will have access to your downloadable CE certificate.                

EMDRIA Credits:

This workshop is approved for 6 EMDRIA Credits. This workshop is open to all clinicians including those with no prior EMDR training. This workshop is not an EMDR basic training.

 EMDRIA Credits will be awarded by Legacy: Ken and Susie Vanderlip, to those who qualify for them upon qualifying attendee’s satisfactory course completion. These are separate from the professional CE Certificates as not everyone qualifies for EMDRIA Credits. See further explanation below.

Attendees that have not been trained in EMDR should be advised that if they have no prior EMDR training that it is recommended they complete the full EMDR basic training and have experience in using EMDR with this client population before using any EMDR specific methods or approaches with this material.

 Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training. Attendees with no prior EMDR training are not eligible to receive EMDRIA Credits but may receive CEs towards covered licensures (professional CEU’s currently pending). Legacy (EC Provider Number: 20012) maintains responsibility for this program and its content, in accordance with EMDRIA standards.

 There is no known commercial support for this program, the only potential conflict of interest is that the presenters are also the authors of the book titled: EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing Tools – Client Stabilization and Preparation for Trauma Processing

 For additional questions about this training contact:

Legacy (714-997-2158 or 800-707-1977)