
Intergroup Board Elections:

District 60 – vote for 2
1.Breck F – 22yrs
2. Lauren H – 8 yrs
Only have 2 nominees and we get to vote for 2, so both will be on the Board.
However, good to take our affirmative votes. So, if you haven’t voted in Dist 60 at another meeting and want your vote to count,
email Susie at

Chair nominee  one nominee – Laura B – 26 yrs in Al-Anon

I will be taking votes from this meeting to the Intergroup rep on April 21st

Inter Group Announcements:

4/9-4/11  Massachusetts Al-Anon Virtual Convention: Celebrating Recovery – All Day
Registration fee:  $15 after March 15th
For more information, visit:

4/17 – Coping with COVID  10:00 AM – 2:30 PM
       What it was like, What happened, What it is like now – Hybrid meetings in future
District 63 Workshop
Zoom Meeting ID: 8507 765 5601
Passcode: 826941

 4/30-5/1  AFG Convention   Register @