10 Feb Get Native Milkweed Seeds for Your Area
There are a variety of milkweed plants we can plant in our gardens. We often classify them as native milkweeds and tropical milkweed from Central/South America.
When possible, native milkweed is encouraged to limit the O.e. parasite. Native milkweeds die down in fall, killing off O.e. Tropical milkweed in coastal/tropical US areas does not
die down in fall and, therefore, requires pruning every fall (down to 6-10″ stems and removing all leaves, to eliminate O.e. for the next season.
Native milkweed is different across states in the US. So, check out the source for appropriate native in your area and purchase them to plant in YOUR garden!
Tropical milkweed is available in Home Depot, Lowes, Armstrong Garden Centers and many other retail outlets.