22 Sep LEGACY OF HOPE Program Objectives

LEGACY OF HOPE Program Objectives
1. Create awareness about the emotional issues students bring to school every day including low self-esteem to self-loathing, grief and loss, anger and rage, suicidal thoughts, victimization and bullying issues, overwhelm,
2. Create awareness what motivates teens to make destructive choices that can include gang participation; alcohol and drug use; irresponsible sexuality leading to STDs, HIV, and teen pregnancy; depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm; bullying and gossip.
3. Enhance attendees understanding of the relationship between familial alcohol and drug abuse and young adult substance abuse, unwanted pregnancy, gang involvement, depression, suicide, grief and self-mutilation. Clear cause-and-effect illustrations are made via dramatic portrayals and processing.
4. Develop greater level of compassion, patience, healthy detachment, and tools for working with teens and families experiencing the issues mentioned above.
5. Enhance counselors’ ability to recognize teens in need and motivate counselors to create support programs at school to reach teens in need.
6. Abundantly acknowledge counselors for the important contribution they make to the success ad well-being of youth.
7. Educate counselors in the family disease concept of alcoholism and addiction, it’s prevalence in student problems, and resources counselors can turn to for additional help.
Leave attendees with improved awareness of personal feelings, encouragement to reach out for help, and an enriched sense of purpose, value, compassion, and HOPE.