30 Aug CDFW Ruling with FAQs Aug 2021
Posted at 18:23h
in Calif Dept of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Monarch Butterfly Speaker, Southern California Monarchs, What to Know if New to Monarchs
For all those with urban monarch butterfly gardens that have heard that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has a Ruling that says ‘No touch’ eggs, caterpillars, chrysalids or monarchs and ‘No Rearing’ which includes no habitats or netting or raising from eggs, et.al. Here is the full report from CDFW with FAQ we’ve been asking for. It is all still in place and explained here: https://wildlife.ca.gov/…/Inverteb…/Monarch-Butterfly…
To go directly to the FAQ’s: Monarch FAQ_final_Aug2021