13 Mar De-Stress for Success® with EMDR Phase 2 Processing Tools” eBook and Apple iBook

OUT NOW! March, 2021
“De-Stress for Success® with EMDR Phase 2 Processing Tools” eBook and Apple iBook!
We spent all of 2020 under pandemic conditions preparing this new eBook to help everyone with a ‘heavy COVID heart,”
carrying around an accumulation of a year’s worth of loss, fear after fear, sadness and anxiety.
carrying around an accumulation of a year’s worth of loss, fear after fear, sadness and anxiety.
NOW AVAILABLE! Ken Vanderlip, Ph.D. (psychologist, EMDR consultant, trainer and practitioner) and
me, Susie Vanderlip, CSP, CPAE (25-year professional speaker on alcohol and drugs, suicide, self-harm and trauma.
me, Susie Vanderlip, CSP, CPAE (25-year professional speaker on alcohol and drugs, suicide, self-harm and trauma.
Help that is easy to apply to everyday life PLUS extra material for EMDR therapists to use with clients.
Apple with embedded Media: https://books.apple.com/us/book/de-stress-for-success/id1533009597
Kobo eBook only: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/de-stress-for-success
Amazon eBook only: https://www.amazon.com/Stress-Success-Phase-Resourcing-Tools-ebook/dp/B08JNK9N8N
Nook eBook only: http://share.nook.com/ean/2940162846734
Media Pack to complement eBooks available in our Shop: DE-STRESS FOR SUCCESS PRODUCTS Archives | Vanderlip.com