09 Jul The Story of Chester. the Monarch Caterpillar/Larva BOOK/MOVIE Info
Our mission is to help save Monarch Butterflies and their wondrous 3,000 mile migration from extinction.
The Story of Chester, the Monarch Caterpillar/Larva photo story book and movie were created out of a love for monarchs and a desire to spark that same wonder and awe in young and old. We are grateful for your help in carrying that message to the children in your lives and all those who love monarch butterflies!
The book and movie are available in our shop at http://www.tinyurl.com/MonarchProducts
Some interesting facts about monarch butterflies with pictures from this delightful children’s photo story book and movie!
2-4 days an egg
10-15 days a caterpillar
10-15 days pupae (in chrysalis)
3 to 6 weeks a monarch butterfly except for the 4th generation each year
(upper Midwest/New England monarchs born in August and west coast monarchs born in October).
Upper Midwest monarchs migrate in August down to Michoacán mountains and overwinter/semi-hibernate for 7-8 months.
West coast monarchs migrate in October to central coast California and overwinter/semi-hibernate for 3 months.
Monarch caterpillars/larvae eat the leaves, flowers and seed pods of the milkweed plant (asclepsia). There are native
varieties in every state and their is tropical milkweed from South America here in the US. Monarchs like them both.
Top picture is tropical milkweed, which must be cut back in October to 8″ and no leaves to mimic native which dies back in October and triggers migration.
Bottom 2 pictures are examples of native milkweed which is an annual.
Many people thoroughly enjoy raising monarchs in their garden or habitats. Every caterpillar will eat close to 32 leaves in its 2 week span as a larva.
There are occasions when your caterpillars eat up ALL the leaves on your milkweed and people call me, desperate to know what to feed them. You can
feed monarch larva banana squash, peeled and cut into small pieces as well as old banana and watermelon until you locate more milkweed 🙂
Monarch butterflies do suck nectar from a variety of flowers as they have a feeding tube called a proboscis. They will drink nectar from milkweed flowers
quite readily as well as from coneflower, yarrow, lantana, sage, and many more plants with small flowers.
The male has 2 black dots on the wings near the lower third of the body,
the female does not! When the wings are closed, you cannot tell their sex
except by behavior. You can check for the black dots when they open their wings!