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              City of Dana Point in southern California has commit to "Bringing the Monarchs Back" to Dana Point including one the town of Monarch Beach! To do this, Dana Point is planting 10,000 sq feet of monarch habitat over ten years by...

WESTERN MONARCH MIGRATION COLLAPSED in 2020 Fall thru Winter 2021. Learn here WHY and What you can do to help!...

Susie demonstrates how to bleach monarch butterfly eggs to eliminate O.e. parasite...

O.e. is a microscopic parasite on tropical milkweed can over a year or two accumulate to where it seriously damages if not kills monarch caterpillars and butterflies. To help eliminate it, some people bleach the milkweed in a 5% bleach solution to water. Some even...

Excellent description of every stage of Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle with helpful photos to guide you in appreciating and raising monarch butterflies in your garden!...

Have your butterfly garden officially designated a Monarch Waystation! Receive a certificate and purchase a garden plaque. ...

Become a Monarch Butterfly Citizen Scientist! Learn what are the tasks as a Citizen Scientist and links to how to become a Monarch Butterfly Citizen Scientist, testing and tagging monarch butterflies....

Because they continue to bring such joy to me and to many others, I have photographed butterflies in my garden for 11 years and share their magic with others through stunning photo greeting cards! ...

Monarch butterflies are in severe decline. Learning about their miraculous life cycle and behaviors motivates us all to do all we can to save them from extinction....

What are the reasons for the severe decline of eastern and western monarch butterflies? Learn how you can help SAVE MONARCH BUTTERFLIES!...

Watch video on how O.e. Testing of Newly eclosed Monarch Butterfly is done by Monarch Butterfly Citizen Scientist...

Many of us who raise monarch butterflies as well as children and adult visitors are greatly amused and entertained by monarch caterpillar behavior....

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